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5 Simple Ways to EMBRACE Your Laziness and Get More Done

being lazy and productive

Let’s face it, we all tend to get lazy once in a while. That’s just part of life. Sometimes we just want to do a whole lot of nothing. When we have a job to do we try our best to change our attitude. Unfortunately, the lure of our laziness is often stronger than the thought of productivity.
But the question remains: How can we embrace our laziness and get more done?

During my lazy afternoon blog reading sessions, I have come upon a common article theme regarding laziness: how to stop procrastinating, how to be more productive, how to get more done in less time… you get the idea… How NOT to be lazy. I don’t know about you, but I like being lazy. :-)

Did you know you can make your laziness work to your advantage? Believe it or not, you can actually accomplish more doing less. 

There was a time when I worked with a lazy coworker, back in the day before I acknowledged my own lazy habits, and I was amazed at how much he seemed to get done. Little did I know he utilized some of these strategic skills.
Lesson learned: I now embrace my laziness to get more done!

1. Delegate

Some may call it “pass the buck”, but I call it delegate. In other words, assign tasks to others. There are probably a few things you don’t like to do, and avoid doing them at all costs. But you know these tasks must be done at some time or another.
If you have an intern, employee, or business partner, pass it on to them. Heck, maybe your kids are willing to do the job for you.
Of course, you may have to do a bit of negotiating, but in my opinion it’s well worth it. If you can get someone else to do the job you dread, then by all means do it!

2. Simplify

Often, we accept jobs that are too difficult, time consuming, demanding, or draining. We then find ourselves struggling to retain composure and suppressing our anger when we become overworked.
Why do we even allow ourselves to get into these situations? I don’t know about you, but I like to keep things simple. And when it comes to work, the less hassle the better.
Don’t take on any jobs, tasks, or projects if you know you and the potential client are not a good match. Don’t accept work if you sense the end result will not be what you anticipate. Don’t waste your time if you know deep down the project or job will be a pain in your arse. Keep it simple. Keep your sanity.

3. Automate

Technology provides a ton of automation tools that make our day seem so much more productive. Even when we are at our laziest. From robotic floor cleaning machines to voice-to-text, we get to spend more time doing nothing while technology does the work for us.
Seek out tools that automate some of your work. You’ll thank yourself later.

4. Procrastinate

Waiting until the last minute results in the urgent need to get the job done. Believe it or not; this is actually a good thing, because you force yourself to become motivated and therefore find the ambition to do what needs to be done.
When your deadline is looming on the horizon, take a look at what items remain on your 'to-do list'. What tasks can be moved down the list? Which projects can you stall? You may surprise yourself at how well you perform under pressure.

5. Piecemeal

Split-up your projects into several smaller segments, and do each piece when you feel like it. Of course, there should be a deadline to strive for. This will ensure the entire job will actually get done.
Doing work in short bursts, or small segments, will make it seem as though the entire project is smaller than what it truly is.
Just be sure the end result is to the satisfaction of you client - even if the client is your family.

Go ahead… embrace your laziness and get more done! :-)

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